#05 - Encore Performances - Patrick Schwerdtfeger
August 18th, 2020
22 mins 6 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
Encore Perfromances, Connecting with Friends of GBA - Patrick Schwerdtfeger
Our Host and Guest
Joel Carson host and GBA Executive Director – Link to Profile
Patrick Schwerdtfeger is a business futurist specializing in technology trends including big data, artificial intelligence, Fintech and blockchain. He’s the author of “Pandemic, Inc.: 8 Forces Driving Business Failure or Fortune in the Post-COVID-19 Economy” (2020, Authority Publishing) as well as five other books, and has lectured at numerous academic institutions including Purdue and Stanford Universities. He is also a regular speaker for Bloomberg TV, founder of Trend Mastery Inc., and host of the Strategic Business Insights video blog (with over 28,000 subscribers and six million views on YouTube). Patrick has spoken about business trends, technology and digital marketing at hundreds of conferences all around the world.
Topics for discussion include:
- Trends in data analytics [min 02:33]
- Optimization and virtual planning [min 04:25]
- What technologies are pushing us forward as a result of the current disruption [min 07:02]
- What technologies should we be aware of in light of remote work? [min 10:00]
- The silver lining in all of this is …….? [min 13:40]
- How are you reaching your audience during the pandemic? [min 16:30]
- Pandemic, Inc. (book) [min 18:30]
- Anarchy, Inc. (book)
- patrickschwerdtfeger.com (website) [min 18:56]
- What message would you like to leave with us? [min 19:52]
- Connect with Patrick Schwerdtfeger: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn | Website
- Visit the GBA Website at https://www.geoprofessional.org for more information resources or to become a member.
- Visit the GBA Website for training resources and reference material for professional development.
- Visit https://www.gbapodcast.com for future Podcast Episodes
- Contact us at info@geoprofessional.org with any podcast-related questions or comments
This episode was produced by the following GBA Members:
- Ryan White, PE, GE – Principle/Geotechnical Engineering Group Manger/PBS Engineering and Environmental
- Tiffany Vorhies, NACE CIP-2 – Chief Consultant/SME
- Donald K. Blackburn, MBA – Business Manager/Blackburn Consulting
- Shawn Leyva, PE – Associate Senior Engineer/Crawford & Associates