#1 - Diversity Equity Inclusion - Pipeline Into the Geoprofessions
April 6th, 2021
52 mins 39 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
GBA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Series – Episode #1 – Pipeline Into the Geoprofessions
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a term often used in the workplace, but its meaning is often not well understood. People often mistakenly think that, with the creation of a diverse workplace, inclusion will automatically follow. Yet, inclusion should exist in tandem; it’s the climate where diversity thrives.
In this episode, we will be discussing the findings presented in the article titled: The Pipeline to Diversity and Inclusion in the Geoprofessions which was published in the 2020 November/December Edition of GeoStrata magazine. Focusing first on diversity reveals that the geosciences are the least diverse of all science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields in the U.S. (American Community Survey Report, National Center for Science & Engineering Statistics and U.S. Census).
DEI is a concept that affects all of us but it is important to recognize that it affects the bottom line. By limiting the talent pool and accepting high attrition rates from women and other minorities, the geoprofessions are exerting additional and wasted resources on hiring and training, and potentially missing out on growth, profitability, and innovation opportunities.
Our Guests
Jonathan Knudsen, P.E., National Project Executive / Universal Engineering Sciences [Link to Profile]
Rachel Ebner, Development Director / Stevens Construction, Inc. [Link to Profile]
Topics for discussion include:
- U.S. Pipeline into the Geoprofessions
- Compensation Inequity
- GBA’s DEI Survey Results
- Why is Diversity and Inclusion Important?
- GEOSTRATA: The Pipeline to Diversity and Inclusion in the Geoprofessions
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This episode was produced by the following GBA Members:
- Veronica DeFreitas, PE (host) – Geotechnical Department Manager/Universal Engineering Sciences
- Ryan White, PE, GE – Principal Geotechnical Engineer/PBS Engineering and Environmental Inc.