#103 - Case History - Nuked in the Bud!
March 9th, 2021
16 mins
Your Hosts
About this Episode
GBA Case History Series – Case History #103 - Nuked in the Bud!
GBA has published over 100 case histories based on real-life events that have happened to geoprofessional firms. GBA Case Histories are unique because our members share real-life stories of problems that impacted their businesses. They also include the outcomes of corrective action, and lessons learned.
This episode in the series explores Case History #103. After three destroyed gauges and numerous other violations, a Member-Firm was facing civil penalties of up to $10,000 per violation and revocation of their license to own and/or operate nuclear gauges. They paid a $150,000 settlement but more importantly developed a compliance program hailed as “a model for the industry”. Learn from their mistakes and from their commitment to change their culture through immediate action to create, test, launch, and monitor sustainable, institutional controls to address the underling causes of the violations, as well as specific regulatory compliance issues. Every Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) must hear this!
Topics for discussion include:
- Introduction to the contents of this podcast. [min. 0:54]
- What is a “nuke gauge”? [min 1:51]
- Why are nuke gauges regulated by state and federal governments and what is required of nuke gauge owners? [min. 3:18]
- Discussion of Case History 103 [min 5:30]
- What actions did the member firm take to correct their numerous nuke gauge violations? [min 10:05]
- What can we learn from this case history? [min 11:58]
- Conclusion and outro [min 13:58]
- How does a nuke gauge work? [min 14:48]
- Download Case History #103: https://www.geoprofessional.org/news/new-release-case-history-103/
- Visit the following link to access all of GBA’s Case Histories: https://www.geoprofessional.org/gba-case-histories/
- An account is required to download the individual Case Histories, which are free for GBA Member Firms.
- Visit the GBA Website at https://www.geoprofessional.org for other training resources and reference materials and/or to become a member.
- Visit https://www.gbapodcast.com for future Podcast Episodes
- Contact us at info@geoprofessional.org with any podcast-related questions or comments
- Subscribe to the GBA Podcast https://www.gbapodcast.com/subscribe
This episode was produced by the following GBA Members:
- Bryce Moore – Director Of Construction Services/Blackburn Consulting
- Carrie Foulk, PE, GE – Senior Geotechnical Engineer/BSK Associates
- Ryan White, PE, GE – Principal Geotechnical Engineer/PBS Engineering and Environmental Inc.